Monday, February 24, 2014

Battle of Badar at a Glance

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The Battle of Badar

The Background of the Battle:
            Here we will discuss about the events which led the parties (the Quraish and the Muslims) to the battlefield.

Quraish Caravan:
            A great Quraish caravan, in which 50,000 Dinars were invested, was coming back from Siriya to Macca. There were 40 people to maintain the caravan and the Abu Sufiyan was the leader.

The Intention of the Prophet (sm):
            The Prophet (sm) was informed the returning of the caravan. He wanted to give a lesson to the Quraish, for looting Madina’s pastoral lands, by a financial damage. In 8th Ramadan he left Madina to capture the caravan.

Abu Sufiyan’s Trick:
            He knew the plan of the Muslims. Then he hired Damdam and sent him to Macca to inform the Quraish about the probable danger. Abu Sufiyan then changed his route and returned safely to Macca along with the sea-coast.

Quraish Army to Save Their Property:
            Hearing the news Quraish started hurriedly and marched towards Madina to protect their property. They also had the intention to fight with the Muslims.

The Intention of the Quraish:
            When they were informed that the caravan had reached safely, they were divided that some of them thought to go back to Macca, but Abu Jahil and others wanted to fight with the Muslims and to take revenge of blood of Amr bin Hadrami. Although the Zuhra and Adi tribes returned to Macca, the other people continued their march toward Madina.

The Decision of Muslims:
Consulting with the companions the Prophet (sm) decided to face the Quraish and to satisfy their daring.

The Muslim Army:
            It was equipped with only 313 soldiers. They had two horses, seventy camels and insufficient weapons. The prophet (sm) was the leader of the Muslim army.

The Quraish Army:
            It was well equipped with 1000 soldiers, 300 horses, 700 camels and heavy weapons. Abu Jahil was the chief of them.

Prayer of the Prophet (sm):
            The Prophet (sm) prayed all the night before the battle, weeping and uttering the following words:
            “O Allah, shouldn’t thou suffer this small band of believers to perish this day, no one will be left on earth to worship thee.”

Battle at Badar:
The battle began in the morning of Friday, the 17th of Ramadan. At first single handed combat took place and then it was followed by the Quraish upon Muslims. But in a short time they were defeated. Seventy of them fell on the battlefield and moreover seventy aristocrats were captured. Utba ibn Rabi'ah, Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah and Walid ibn Utba  were killed in the single handed combat.

Some Miraculous Events which Happened During the Battle:
1.      Angelic warriors were sent to help the Muslims.
2.      The Holy Prophet (sm) threw a handful of dust at the enemy, symbolical of their rushing blindly to their fate. Which is mentioned in Quran, (8:17)
3.      During the fight Ukkashah bin Mihsan’s sword broke down. The Prophet (sm) gave him a piece of rod which turned into a sword. He named it “Al-Awn”.
4.      In a number of traditions, it is mentioned that “Shytan”(the Devil) was present in the form of Suraqa in the battle field. He ran away when he saw the angels coming down.
The List of the martyred:
            Fourteen Sahaba (Companions) were martyred in the Battle of Badr.Their names are shown below.

1)Harithah ibn Suraqa   2)Dhu'sh-shimilayn ibn 'Abd 'Amr  3)Rafi' ibn al-Mu'alli
4)Sa'd ibn Khaythama   5)Safwan ibn   6)Aqil ibn al-Bukayr
7)Ubaydah ibn al-Harith   8)Umayr ibn al-Humam   9)Umayr ibn Abi Waqqas 
10)Awf ibn al-Harith   11)Mubash-shir ibn 'Abdu'l Mundhir   12)Mu'awwidh ibn al-Harith   13)Mihja' ibn Salih   14)Yazid ibn al-Harith ibn Fushum

Deceased in the Quraish:
1) Utbah          2) shaybah       3) Abu Jahil     4) Abul Bukhtari         5) Zam’ a ibnul Aswad          6) A’s bin Hisham            7) Umaya bin Khalf    8) Munabbih ibnul Huzzaz

Treatment with the Prisoners:
            The prisoners of the war were treated with exemplary kindness. They were given the best food to eat in a condition when the muslims themselves took only plain dates.
            Ransom was taken from the prisoners and those from the prisoners and those who could not pay it due to poverty but knew writing and reading were detained to teach writing to muslims (ten muslims per one prisoner).
The Effect of the Battle:
Sir William Muir 
Mohammed was fully alive to the critical situation. The fate of Islam hung upon the issue of the approaching battle.  (The Life of Mohammed, London, 1877) 
A. Nicholson
But the importance of Mohammed's success (in the battle of Badr) cannot be measured by the material damage which he inflicted (upon the pagans of Mecca). Considering the momentous issues involved, we must allow that Badr, like Marathon, is one of the greatest and most memorable battles in all history. (A Literary History of the Arabs, 1969) 
S. Margoliouth
No event in the history of Islam was of more importance than this battle (Badr); Koran rightly calls it the Day of Deliverance, the day before which the Moslems were weak, after which they were strong. Wealth, fame, honor, power, all of them were secured or at any rate brought within reach by the Day of Deliverance. (Mohammed and the Rise of Islam, London, 1931)
It may say that-
The Badar was the first show down of Islamic power in the battlefield.
It gave a great impression to the Arabians.
After Badar the Arab started to think different about Islam.
It made the psychological power of the muslims greater.
It cleared that the Mohammad(sm) was on the right way.
Meccan’s belief was questioned.

The Badar at a Glance:

The Map of the Badar
The Map of Badar
250px-Badr_campaign.jpgBattle of Badr
Part of the Muslim-Quraish Wars
13 March 624 CE/17 Ramadan, 2 AH
At the wells of Badr, 80 miles (130 km) southwest of Medina
Decisive Muslim victory
Muslims of Medina
Commanders and leaders

313 Infantry & Cavalry: 2 Horses and 70 camels
1000Infantry & Cavalry: 300 Horses and 700 Camels
Casualties and losses
14 killed
70 killed

70 captured

Some Model Pictures from “The Message” Movie:
It is the model of the single handed combat.             It is the model of general attack.

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