Saturday, April 19, 2014

Origin and Development of Human rights at a Glance

origin and development:
          In 11th century the king 2nd Conrad for the first time in the history mankind limits the power of parliament.
            In 1188, the king knight Alfansar passed a decree to arrest without law.
            In 15th June, 15th century Magna Charta was signed.
            In 1355 Magna Charta was recognized by the British parliament prohibiting the illegal arrest.
             In 1689 Bill of Rights was passed.
            In 1690 John Locke writes a book namely “Treatise on Civil Government”.            
            In 1762 Russo writes a book namely “Civil Contract”.
            Beside these philosophers like Hobbes, Hegel, Machiavelli and many more contributed in the field of human rights.
            In 12June 1776, Georg Mason declared: Virginia Declaration of Rights”.
            In 12 July 1776, America declared its independence.
            In 1792 Thomas Pain writes a book namely ‘The Rights of Man”.
            In 1940, H.G. Wales writes a book namely “The new world order”.
            In 1941 the president Roosevelt advocates for “14 Points”.
            In 1946 France incorporates French Revolution in its constitution.
In 16th century “Red Revolution took place”.
In 1945 UN was established through UN’s Charter.
In 1948 10th December Universal Declaration of Human Rights was declared.
In 1965 “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”.
In 1965 “International Covenant on Economic, Social   and Cultural Rights” was passed.

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