Thursday, May 1, 2014

Comparative women’s right: Bangladesh perspective

Comparative women’s right: Bangladesh perspective

            There are four main religion practiced in Bangladesh i.e. Islam, Hindu, Christian and Buddha. Besides them there are other people following Jayne, Sheikh, and Dolito. Our topic is comparative women’s right in Bangladesh perspective.

            Under Islamic law man and woman are treated equally in terms of religion and personality. Discrimination on the ground of religion, sex, color, race, and gender is totally prohibited.
            Economic Right: women are allowed to hold property. They can sale and buy on their own capacity. They are totally free from economic responsibilities of the family.
            Inheritance: they have inheritance on the property. Gift and will should be executed in a specified way.
            Marriage: consent is a condition for the marriage. “Option of Puberty” is granted. Dower is a stipulate condition for the marriage. Non payment of dower may be treated as a ground for divorce. Cruelty , disparity and absence from the home also treated as a ground of divorce. Limited polygamy is allowed. “Khufu” is a necessary element for the marriage.
            Adoption: it is not recognized.
            Men and women are treated equally.
            Economic Right: women can retain property.
            Inheritance: woman has inheritance in the property.
            Marriage: consent is a condition for the marriage. Both the parties has the capacity to denounce the marriage. Polygamy is not recognized.
            Adoption: it is allowed.

            Women can hold the post of “Karta” in the family. Sometimes she acts as a legislature for the family.
            Economic Right: women have no right over the property.  They have exclusive right over “Stridhon” property. Widow only exercise the “life interest” over the property.
            Inheritance: there is no inheritance available for women.
            Marriage: Hindus follow the “Dayavaga” school of law. “Pindi” is the condition for haven. The sole purpose of the marriage is to give birth a boy child. Marriage is a religious sacrament. Consent of the women is not required for the marriage. Under the “Orthodox” hindu law, divorce is not permitted. Cast system is followed. Under the “Physhachik” system : rape is considered as a form of marriage. “Factum valid” is practiced. Unlimited marriage can be solemnized in order to get a boy.
            Adoption: it is allowed in certain manner. Only widow can adopt if she acquires prior permission from her husband.

Buddha, Jaino and Sheikh
            Their religion is the mixture of local and religious custom
            Property: women has no right to hold property.
            Inheritance: in inheritance, often they deviate from the religion.
            Marriage: polygamy is allowed. Local custom may override the rules regarding marriage.
            Adoption: it is recognized.

            This religion is not supported by the saint of hindu, sometimes they follow the religion in their own course. In some cases, religion has no play in their daily routine i.e. marriage, inheritance and other religious activities.

Special Marriage
            Special marriage is available in the cases where marriage is not possible ob the ground of religion. To get married under this situation, both of the parties have to denounce from the religion. Conditions for special marriage-
1.      18year for female and 21year for male.
2.      Citizen of Bangladesh.
3.      Non believer.
4.      Consent from both the parties.
5.      Polygamy is totally prohibited.
6.      Succession Act will be applied for their inheritance.

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