Monday, May 12, 2014

Universality of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Universalism should be granted for collective well being and for individual right.
            The concept of universality in the field of human right emerged during the late 20th century with the UN Declaration of Human Rights on the belief that the basic values and principles, underlying the concept of human dignity and equality, are of a universal nature. These values and principles, included the individual liberty, political rights, economic rights and so on, were restricted to class of individuals depending on status e.g. individual rights for white male in America.
            It is an undeniable fact that western culture influences the UDHR1948. Awareness on the part of local people regarding such influences has resulted in various debates. We may categorize the debaters in 3 fields. Such as- (1) state actor (2) NGO, religious representatives, individual actor and (3) the oppressed. They argue that human rights put the individual above the community which goes against the communitarian values. The argument is based on the fact that human rights are the nature of individualist and was imposed on non-western states as a condition for independence.
            It is true that the idea of human rights first originated from the west but so did other things like technology and industrialization. The non western states have not raised any arguments rejecting the technology transfer. Human rights have an impact on cultural values and communal leaving as it is practiced by individual . for instance- in Africa, the decision to marry is not that of the girl but that of the family and clan. Sometimes at large depending on the status of the family. Under this situation, the individual practice of free choice will be seen as flagrant disrespect to the society. There are more such types of examples- such as Trokosi in Ghana and Togo. Almanjiri in Northern Nigeria, denial of inheritance and so on.
            UDHR is not based on any particular ideology but on comprise and practice. It takes its basis on the dignity of the human person.
            Both western and non western ideology agree on the dignity of the human person. No arguments should therefore emanate as regards to genocide, rape, torture, arbitrary detention, right to participate in the government, equality and limitations on government powers or interference with the individual. These are fundamentally applicable to all human and therefore universal so that the abusive government has no shield to hide behind for human right violation.

            There are points in cultural practices where conflict may exit between human rights and cultural values. In some instances there needs to be positive actions to eradicate such violations. The debate should be more focused on state and respect for human rights and individuals.

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