Saturday, May 10, 2014

Exceptions in Islamic idea as to general concept of human right

Exceptions in Islamic idea as to general concept of human right:

   1.      The rights and duties are co existed within a given time according to general concept, but the concept of right is invisible rather followed the direct order of Allah.
   2.      Rights are often subject to qualification in general concept, but under the Islamic philosophy they are absolute when it is recognized.
   3.      Qualifications may be placed on human right in the aggregate common interest and to serve particular specified policies, but the Islamic idea has no scope of politics in the field of human rights application.
   4.      Mutual recognition or agreement on the part of the state may make, restrict, suspend or enforce new sorts of rights, but in the Islamic idea state has the obligation to maintain the consistent application of human rights.
   5.      The freedom of expression: subject only to qualifications provided by law and necessary for the protection of national security or public health an d morals.
   6.      The right of peaceful assembly: subject only to restriction, imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interest of national security or public safety public order. The protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedom of others.
   7.      Freedom of association: subject to the same qualifications as the right of peaceful assembly, above.
   8.      The right to take part in the conduct of the public affairs, to vote and be elected and to have access on general terms of equality, to public service, without unreasonable condition.

From the constitution of Iran:
            Article 21: Government must ensure the rights of women in all respect in conformity with Islamic criteria.
            Article 24: Publications and the press have freedom of expression except when it is detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam or the rights of the public.

Short Note: Ayatollah Khomeini” officially announced of Fatwa” regarding Satanic Verses by Selman Rushdie based on article 24.

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